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A squirrel is one of many small or medium-sized rodents in the family Sciuridae. In the English-speaking world, squirrel commonly refers to members of this family's genera Sciurus and Tamiasciurus, which are tree squirrels with large bushy tails, indigenous to Asia, the Americas and Europe. Similar genera are found in Africa. The Sciuridae family also include flying squirrels, as well as ground squirrels such as the chipmunks, prairie dogs, and woodchucks. Members of the family Anomaluridae are sometimes misleadingly referred to as "scaly-tailed flying squirrels" although they are not closely related to the true squirrels. In USA and Canada common squirrels include the Fox Squirrel; the Western Gray Squirrel, the Douglas Squirrel, the American Red Squirrel T. hudsonicus, and the Eastern Grey Squirrel, of which the "Black Squirrel" is a variant. In Europe the Red Squirrel or Eurasian red squirrel is the most common native species, although the Eastern Grey Squirrel has been introduced in some countries and has displaced the red in many areas including most of Britain.
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