March 2010 Calendar Wallpaper (Spring Break) 1600 x 1200
(Happy St Patrick's Day the 17th of March)
The origin Latin name for the month of March is (Martius). Named after the God Mars. The Zodiac sign for the month of March is either Pisces or Aries depending on the day you were born. Feb. 19 – Mar. 20 (Pisces – The Fish) Mar. 21 – Apr. 19 (Aries – The Ram) Spring break, (also known as March break in some parts of Canada) is a week long recess from studying in early spring at universities and schools. Spring break activities traditionally include binge drinking, recreational drug use and casual sex. Spring break party goers responded by moving to the more permissive community of Daytona Beach area (over 200,000 students traveled there each spring at its peak), Panama City Beach, Florida remains a popular spring break destination due to its relative proximity to many Southern colleges and driving distances. The locals in Panama City Beach welcome Spring Breakers every year, and is a major factor in the city's economy. South Padre Island, Texas and Fort Myers Beach, Florida are also popular Spring Break destinations among students from colleges in the south-central and midwestern parts of the country, as well as from the Northeast. One of the biggest in the Southwest, popularized by MTV is Lake Havasu City, Arizona.
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