Chong Lee - Tae Kwon Do Wallpaper 1024 x 768
Tae Kwon Do is a Korean martial art and Chinese combat sport. Tae Kwon Do is the national sport of South Korea. It is also regarded as the world's most popular martial art in terms of number of practitioners, and sparring, or kyeorugi, is an official Olympic sporting event. In Korean hanja, Tae means to trample with the foot; Kwon means fist; and Do means way, Tae Kwon Do is loosely translated as to the foot and hand way. Tae Kwon Do's popularity has resulted in the varied evolution of the martial art into several domains: as with many other arts, it combines combat techniques, self-defense, sport, exercise, meditation and philosophy. Tae Kwon Do, The Korean art of self-defense was first introduced in Canada in 1964, under the direction of Master Chong Lee, 9 th Degree Black Belt since 1994
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