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Youppi! Wallpaper 1152 x 864

(Mascot for the Montreal Canadiens)

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Youppi! is the official mascot for the Montreal Canadiens and former longtime mascot of Montreal Expos. Originally leased by the Expos in 1979, the mascot was eventually purchased by the Montreal Expos baseball and represented the team until the team moved to Washington, DC, after the 2004 season, the team claimed that Youppi! would still be a part of the team in some capacity. However, this proved untrue, as the Nationals adopted a new mascot, the eagle "Screech". For months after the move, the fate of Youppi! hung in the balance. Negotiations were held with ten groups, including the Montreal Alouettes. On September 16, 2005, the Montreal Canadiens announced that Youppi! would become the first official mascot of the organization, and the first league-switching mascot in professional sports history. The terms of acquisition were reportedly in the six figures. Youppi! now sports the Canadiens' bleu, blanc et rouge (blue, white, and red) jersey. Youppi's first game in the Bell Centre was on October 18, 2005.

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